Be a producer on the next Damn Tall Building’s Record
We are so honored that ya’ll are such an awesome, growing, group of folks who’ve discovered our music and supported our dream of writing, producing, and performing these songs for you all to hear.
We couldn’t do what WE do without YOU.
Please consider joining the team and helping us produce our next album!
We are thrilled to announce
(or reiterate to anyone who's seen us live recently)
that we have been hard at work bringing a brand new album of songs into the world! Since our work on Sleeping Dogs, we've really gotten the hang of recording and producing ourselves here in Brooklyn.
This is of course a HUGE cut in traditional recording costs since we don't have to pay for studio time, so that's one "budget-box" checked.
Why do we need your help?
As many or all of you know, we have always been, and continue to be a fully independent (no record label, self/crowd-funded) operation. Over the last few years, our small team has grown on the touring and live performance side, to include our rockstar agent, Trish, and the amazing team of agents working in her agency. They're largely responsible for bringing our show around North America, getting to play in such cool places, at such great festivals and venues all over. We also had the pleasure of signing with our new UK agent, Rob who's been hard at work squeezing in some UK dates into next year's busy schedule!
In our 11+ years of playing professionally, we've learned that one of the biggest things that fuels us creatively, is the creation of new material. This practice that keeps us sharp, interested, and engaged in the show we are bringing to every venue we play, also happens to be the biggest financial investment we take on as a band.
To that end, we've been blessed with successful crowd-funding campaigns for our last two albums and are again, so honored by your support for both releases! In our experience with raising funds for the production and release of these records, we ended up still matching the funds we raised to cover the complete cost of each release. This additional investment has come straight from our band account to make sure each release meets industry, as well as our own standards.
We are no strangers to the necessity of this investment (after all our first two releases were almost entirely self-funded!), and at the same time, are continually looking to innovate how we fund our upcoming releases. Being our own record label can feel like working two full-time jobs, and as is true in any successful endeavor, balance is key.
What do we need help funding?
Mixing $5,000
Mastering $2,000
Physical Copies $5,000
Album Art $1000
Radio and Press Campaigns $7,000
Total Projected Price = $20,000 (shocking right!?)
Why don’t we use traditional crowdfunding (kickstarter)?
As many of you know, we've used Kickstarter as our crowdfunding platform. While we have lots of mixed feelings about the platform, there are two elements that have stood out to us, giving us pause on whether we want to go the kickstarter route again. One is the "All or Nothing" model of Kickstarter, which is again a mixed bag! The pressure to reach the campaign goal before the time is up can be encouraging and discouraging all at once (depending on the day), and since nowadays we know what it takes to make and release an album , we're looking to spread out the pressure over a few months instead.
The main issue is that Kickstarter takes a large fee as its cut for hosting a successful campaign. Having to budget the cost of fees into the campaign itself is something that we feel we might be able to mitigate for this album by going the more direct route.
What is our first goal?
Our goal as of now is to start by raising enough to pay for the production of the record (through direct donations), then looking to raise the funds for its release (through direct donations & pre- release/sales of a brand new live album), then finishing up with a pre-order campaign to fund the promotion and merchandise for the record.
First step???
If any of you amazing fans are interested in securing official Executive Producer credit on our next album, & have it within your means to donate an "Executive" amount (up to interpretation) of capital into the continuation of this band that you and we love so much, please click the donate button bellow.
$500 = special thanks on album
$1000 = Executive Producer title
OVER $3,000 = let’s talk… (Email us at
Realistically, we can really make this release top- tier, and with your gracious help, an album you and your family will want to pass down for generations and say "Hey! This exists because of me!".
We're excited to hear y'all's thoughts and with high hopes for the coming months,